風水福地 Burial Plot

Excellent feng shui bring with it a 20 years experience creating a new breakthrough in industry.
“浅龙升天”的地理格局,主富越三代,家道兴旺。财丁两旺、护佑后代子孙的绝佳风水,让客户心无牵挂。一个风水地理是否能够福荫后代子孙? 这就可视其所谓的 “龙、山、砂、水、向”的造势如何。 後龙的来势是主後裔子孙诞寿。 
“浅龙升天” 是富贵山庄 “世外桃源” 的地理格局,其龙脉自干方(西北)入脉,过峡後山起形成一座“武曲今星” 本主权贵,坐镇後龙(後靠),造就了後人英伟神武、福寿诞绵、地势雄厚,更可富越三代。西北方五行属金,
五曲金星五行也属金,即金星回归金宫(回归本宫 位),後代受护佑的力量更大了,因贵至富。金星渡脉过峡化气後开帐,局气集结于“世外桃源”,护荫子孙,富贵非凡。

“世外桃源” 风水格局中的贵龙山向属自然生成,大地干龙来脉,立坤挂纳甲乙向,这在水学上称之为“合阴阳正配”,这可促使家道兴旺,事业丰隆鼎盛;位于前方的案朝山, 形式上有多层次的重叠,意味著事业可拓展到海外甚至更远地方,


富贵山庄坐西向东,前有众山朝拜,后有群恋护卫,中有水源,具备山高水阔之雄伟气势。其龙头穴位正好位于山脉中央,左青龙之势,又有白虎之威,青龙下方有瀑 布流水,甚称最上乘的风水架构,环山怀抱,地势绝佳,是一片幽静而古朴的人间净土。生前购买富贵宝地,并作生基,不但有助延年益寿,更能福津子孙,世代受惠。


Nirvana Memorial Garden in Fengshui Geomancy
In Nirvana Memorial Garden, its “Raising Dragon to the Sky” geomancy fengshui renders the descendants will reap good fortune, prosperity and flourishing offspring, and blessing by the ancestors. In fact, the five elements of Dragon, Mountain, Water, Sand and Direction are the key determining its geomancy. The powerful Feng Shui formations around Nirvana Memorial Garden (NMG) is set to enjoy prosperity and good fortune and ensure your family’s wellbeing. The geomancy of NMG, begins with Dragon Mountain form Qian Direction (North Westerly), at the valley thus forming “Wu Qu jin xin (Wu Qu Golden Star) whilst sitting at the backbone, bringing the authority and powering. The direction of North Westerly belongs to the component of Gold, and together with “Wu Qu Jin Xin” which also goes to bring blessing to the descendants, enjoying great fortune and outstanding posterity.
Nirvana, a superior geomantic ground, is a natural environment with dragon vein. in Fengshui studies, this land is a combination of with Ying and Yang elements, and the mountains in front “An Chao”, in layers and layers, symbolizing that businesses can be expanded till overseas, and longevity to people. This means the descendants will reap both the benefits of abundance and longevity.