寵物墓園 Pet

寵物墓園 Pet Memorial Garden

富貴寵物殡葬配套 (仅限猫和狗宠物而已)

别出心裁的富貴寵物殡葬配套,包攬关怀备至及一站式的寵物墓葬服務,令失去寵物的主人和家人,免卻一切煩瑣的寵物身後事, 同时目睹挚爱寵物得尊榮入土,让人留下一个深刻永懷的记忆。








7.寵物遺體运达富貴寵物墓园後 ,24小时内安排下葬。


9.把事先刻好碑字的墓碑豎立, 墓碑字样会依据寵物主人的喜好与选择而制。

Pet Funeral Package (For Dogs & Cats only)

This is an exclusive service offering a one-stop funeral facility for your beloved pet. This exclusively designed and caring service can bring for the
pet owner a total peace of mind and hassle-free solution. The owner can witness the dignity of the last journey of their beloved pet with sweet memories.

The service flows are as follow:

1.Door to door pick up service – the remains of your pet. (The service is restricted to the radius of 35km from Nirvana Memorial Centre, Kuala Lumpur)

2.The remains will be put into a seal bag and handle hygienically and transported to the Pet Memorial Garden.

3.Providing of a Pet Casket (standard design)

4.Casket elaborately decorated with flowers.

5.The remains will be buried within 24 hours after arriving at the Pet Memorial Garden.

6.Burial hole dug and prepared for burial before the remains arrived at the Pet Memorial Garden.

7.Placing of casket into burial hole and covered.

8.Burial plot will be landscaped.

9.The erection of tombstone with inscriptions according to the pet owner’s choice.